Adult Justice Reintegration

Zonta House is a sub-contractor to Centrecare as part of a consortium led by Wungening Aboriginal Corporation, providing support to women as they exit prison and reintegrate back into the community. This is in recognition of the high representation of women in prison who have experienced family and domestic violence and the need for a specialised support.


Our Reintegration Case Worker provides intensive case management support to women within the last 6 months of their prison sentence, and up to 12 months post release.

The program aims to reduce recidivism and holistically support women to reintegrate back into the community. Women are supported to connect back into community and establish supportive networks through a case management model inclusive of informal counselling, advocacy, and warm referrals to specialist services.

This program supported 34 women in the last 12 months to prepare for and establish safe and supported living in the community.

All the appointments we’ve had and discussions we have had about how far I’ve come, has just reiterated that I am capable of doing this.

ReSet Client


The Zonta House Parenting worker facilitates parenting education in group settings within the Bandyup and Boronia women’s prison in addition to providing individually tailored education with the women. The aim of this program is to strengthen parenting capacity and confidence through an understanding of children’s developmental needs. The program focuses on community and connection and facilitates warm referrals to community organisations and Child Protection advocacy.

For more information on the ReSet program please visit Wungening Aboriginal Corporation

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you refer into the program?

All referrals into the program are direct from the Prisons.  We are unable to accept any outside referrals.


Which prisons does the program work in?

The Re-Entry team works at Bandyup, Melaleuca, Boronia and Wandoo prison. The Parenting team currently work at Bandyup, Melaleuca, Boronia prisons.

If you are in prison, due for release and would like to get support from ReSet you will need to contact your Transitional Manager and find out if you qualify to be referred to ReSet.

If you are in immediate danger, or someone you know is in immediate danger please do not hesitate and call Police on 000.

If you are at risk, please ensure you follow the eSafety Commission recommendations for staying safe online.

Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) can happen in relationships with a partner, defacto, family member, carer, boyfriend or girlfriend.

This behaviour can be threatening, abusive, violent, coercive, stalking, controlling, making someone feel scared and/or forcing them to do things they don’t want to do.

It can occur in current or past imitate relationships, family settings, or extended family groups.

For more information on what is considered Family and Domestic Violence, or how to identify it please visit Safe and Equal or 1800RESPECT. WA’s after-hours response helpline is available 24/7 if you are in crisis and need urgent help for refuge assessment or emergency accommodation options Crisis Care Free Call 1800 199 008