In danger now? DIAL 000


Quick Links

Crisis Care (1800 199 008)

WA's after-hours response helpline is available 24/7 if you are in crisis and need urgent help.

1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)

A national helpline open 24/7 to support people impacted by sexual assault, FDV and abuse.

Sexual Assault Crisis Line (1800 199 888)

For recent sexual assaults (in the last 2 weeks) and crisis counselling 8:30am to 11pm, 7 days a week

Mental Health Emergency Response Line (1300 555 788)

A 24hr phone service for people in the Perth metro area experiencing a mental health crisis.

If you are at risk, please ensure you follow the eSafety Commission recommendations for staying safe online.

Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) can happen in relationships with a partner, defacto, family member, carer, boyfriend or girlfriend.

This behaviour can be threatening, abusive, violent, coercive, stalking, controlling, making someone feel scared and/or forcing them to do things they don’t want to do.

It can occur in current or past imitate relationships, family settings, or extended family groups.

For more information on what is considered Family and Domestic Violence, or how to identify it please visit Safe and Equal or 1800RESPECT. WA’s after-hours response helpline is available 24/7 if you are in crisis and need urgent help for refuge assessment or emergency accommodation options Crisis Care Free Call 1800 199 008

Confidential information, counselling and support service

1800RESPECT is available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence.

On the 1800 RESPECT website, you can find:

  • Support and resources
  • 24/7 online chat
  • Video call and SMS support
  • Information about types of violence and abuse
  • Information for people supporting someone who is experiencing violence and abuse.

WA Service Directory

We recommend that if you are looking for services or programs related to FDV, head to the the comprehensive Service Directory maintained by YourToolkit and the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing.

Other useful supports

DVassist is here to help, with information, resources and practical support for those experiencing or concerned about others who may be experiencing domestic and family violence.

If you live in regional, rural or remote Western Australia and you are experiencing family and domestic violence, you can access anonymous, confidential, free counselling from a non-government agency.

1800 080 083 Monday to Thursday, 8am-8pm (AWST) or if you cannot speak now you can text counsellors using webchat.

Women’s Legal Services WA (WLS) is a Not for profit community legal centre that provides legal services to women across WA.

To request information, talk about a legal issue, seek a referral or to request an appointment with one of our solicitors please call us, Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm.

(08) 9272 8800 or 1800 625 122 (country callers)

Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services provides holistic services to women from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. Ishar is an LGBTQIA+-friendly service and welcomes women of any sexual orientation, anyone who identifies as a woman and anyone who was assigned a female identity at birth.

Phone: 08 9345 5335 Or Email: [email protected]

Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone in Western Australia seeking help for their own or another person’s alcohol or drug use.

Contact with the Alcohol and Drug Support Line is one-to-one with a professional counsellor and is confidential.

The counsellor who answers your call can:

  • Listen to what is going on for you
  • Provide you with information about alcohol or drug use
  • Provide emotional support
  • Talk about treatment options
  • Refer you to local services that can provide ongoing support

Metro Area Phone: (08) 9442 5000 Availability 24 hours a day,7 days a week.

Country Callers: 1800 198 024 Availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ask Izzy is a mobile website that connects people who are in crisis with the services they need right now and nearby.

Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more.

It is free and anonymous, with thousands of services listed across Australia.

And if you’re on the Telstra or Vodafone mobile networks, you can access Ask Izzy on your phone even if you don’t have credit or access to Wi-Fi

Community and Outreach Service: Our community outreach worker supports women who are in abusive relationships in the community and cannot or will not at this moment leave. The Positive Lifestyle Program © , Boundaries and Parenting Toolbox programmes are available through this service.

If you need someone to speak with  please email: [email protected] or phone 08 9328 8529 Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm

Jacaranda’s Financial Counsellors are all trained in Family and Domestic Violence, and attend a range of Refuge Centre’s across Perth Metropolitan area and the Women’s Health and Family Service. Women can be seen in safety at those Centre’s or if they are unable to access a refuge they can be seen by one of the Family and Domestic Violence Financial Counsellors at Belmont or one of our Outreach services or through phone, Zoom or Microsoft teams. 

Jacaranda Community Centre
146 Epsom Avenue

Phone : (08) 9477 4346 or Email: [email protected]

Phone : (08) 9477 4346 or Email: [email protected]

Suicide Call Back Service offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.

Call 1300 659 467

Online Chat & Video Counselling

Suicide Call Back Service also offers free professional 24/7 online and video counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.

You do not require a medical referral to initiate contact. This means you can access free professional counselling anywhere, at a time that is convenient to you.

Phone and online counselling is seen by many to be a helpful alternative to traditional face-to-face counselling because of its less confronting approach. The professionally trained counsellors have specialist skills in working with suicide-related issues and they can help you to work through the pain and distress you may be feeling. The counsellor will help you with goal planning, ensuring your own safety, and help to link you to other services in the community.

Legal Aid WA offers free or low-cost legal services to the community. They can help if you have questions about the law, if you are going to court, or if you need advice on a legal problem.

If you have trouble getting help because of a disability, language barriers, or your location, they can do their best to help you access our services.

Priority is often given to help people with the greatest needs. Legal Aid WA will try to help as many people as possible, but do not give advice on every legal issue. If they are unable to help with your specific problem, they can try to refer you to someone who can.

If you are in immediate danger, or someone you know is in immediate danger please do not hesitate and call Police on 000.

If you are at risk, please ensure you follow the eSafety Commission recommendations for staying safe online.

Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) can happen in relationships with a partner, defacto, family member, carer, boyfriend or girlfriend.

This behaviour can be threatening, abusive, violent, coercive, stalking, controlling, making someone feel scared and/or forcing them to do things they don’t want to do.

It can occur in current or past imitate relationships, family settings, or extended family groups.

For more information on what is considered Family and Domestic Violence, or how to identify it please visit Safe and Equal or 1800RESPECT. WA’s after-hours response helpline is available 24/7 if you are in crisis and need urgent help for refuge assessment or emergency accommodation options Crisis Care Free Call 1800 199 008