In danger now? DIAL 000


Absolutely!  We recognise and respect that every workplace is unique. 

Our aim is to work with you to ensure that any recommendations and training provided are tailored and have a meaningful impact on your organisation.  We understand the importance of effectively integrating recommendations and training into your existing practices.

We are also adaptable to different organisational structures, whether you have dedicated Human Resources staff or not.  Our commitment remains the same: to work closely with you.  All we require is a designated contact person or workplace champion(s) who can dedicate time and effort to drive this agenda and collaborate with us.

If you are in immediate danger, or someone you know is in immediate danger please do not hesitate and call Police on 000.

If you are at risk, please ensure you follow the eSafety Commission recommendations for staying safe online.

Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) can happen in relationships with a partner, defacto, family member, carer, boyfriend or girlfriend.

This behaviour can be threatening, abusive, violent, coercive, stalking, controlling, making someone feel scared and/or forcing them to do things they don’t want to do.

It can occur in current or past imitate relationships, family settings, or extended family groups.

For more information on what is considered Family and Domestic Violence, or how to identify it please visit Safe and Equal or 1800RESPECT. WA’s after-hours response helpline is available 24/7 if you are in crisis and need urgent help for refuge assessment or emergency accommodation options Crisis Care Free Call 1800 199 008