Through this program we offer FDV specialist support to women and children who are Department of Communities – Housing Authority tenants in the Cannington, Victoria Park, Mirrabooka and Midland districts assisting women who are experiencing or have experienced family and domestic violence and have current safety concerns.
The program provides supports and interventions to keep women and children safe in their homes during challenging situations, when safe to do so. This is achieved through comprehensive risk assessment, safety and support planning, focusing on individual needs.
Our goal is to empower women and children to live free from violence and abuse by providing them with the support and resources they need to navigate challenging situations and build safer futures for themselves and their families.
I felt heard and validated and most of all understood, I felt the care was genuine
Anonymous Client, Safer Pathways
We can assist with
- Safety planning and assessment of risk
- Building support networks through referrals to support agencies for needs such as legal, counselling, financial counselling and parenting support
- Family Violence Restraining Order (FVRO) applications and support during the court application process
- Support to liaise and communicate with WA Police on legal matters for example breach of restraining orders, assault and harm.
- Property safety and security assessments
We are able to participate in meetings and offer advice during tenant appointments relating to FDV.
For more information on Safer Pathways please contact Safer Pathways Case Manager
on mobile 0450 134 306 or 0404 110 309 alternatively via email [email protected]