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Here’s to 40 Years!

On 15th August gathered at Matilda Bay Restaurant to celebrate a momentous milestone, Zonta House Refuge Association’s 40th Anniversary!

“We stand on the shoulders of giants, people who fought, people who advocated, who persevered and did not give up. People have power and, if I look back at what we have been able to achieve I feel hopeful of the momentum of what is possible.” – Kelda Oppermann CEO

The evening began with a Welcome to Country by Aunty Robyn Collard, alongside beautiful performances by Ezereve and Dolce Ensembles for over 120 of our supporters, funders, partners, past and present staff, and committee members.

“This organisation isn’t the sum of one, it’s the sum of many. People past and present who have been involved with Zonta House, people who have given their time, worked for us, funded us, championed us, supported us, been supported by us. You have and continue to influence us. Every conversation, every minute given, every dollar, every extension of trust has helped build and shape us into who we are.” – Kelda Oppermann CEO

A woman who has been supported by our Positive Pathways, Recovery Support Program, and Future Employment Connections programs wrote a heartfelt letter of gratitude to be read out on the evening.

“Looking back at my life, I realise I was a fearless warrior child. Then during a big chunk of my life, I was lost but today I am striving to be the warrior woman I know my ancestors and guardian angels would be proud of. I have Zonta House to thank for helping me find myself, for giving me a way, for encouraging me to grow and most importantly to become the best version of myself so that I am the best mother to my children” – KJ

Over the past four decades, Zonta House has provided support, safety, and hope for thousands women and their families in the Western Australian community. This incredible journey wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering contributions of our community, partners, supporters, funders, and peers.


Raffle Prize – Congratulations to the winner of the Argyle Champagne Diamond (0.90ct round brilliant cut C7 colour VS1 clarity) Valued at $5,500 was won by ticket number 013 Terresa Lynes – congratulations!

If you are in immediate danger, or someone you know is in immediate danger please do not hesitate and call Police on 000.

If you are at risk, please ensure you follow the eSafety Commission recommendations for staying safe online.

Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) can happen in relationships with a partner, defacto, family member, carer, boyfriend or girlfriend.

This behaviour can be threatening, abusive, violent, coercive, stalking, controlling, making someone feel scared and/or forcing them to do things they don’t want to do.

It can occur in current or past imitate relationships, family settings, or extended family groups.

For more information on what is considered Family and Domestic Violence, or how to identify it please visit Safe and Equal or 1800RESPECT. WA’s after-hours response helpline is available 24/7 if you are in crisis and need urgent help for refuge assessment or emergency accommodation options Crisis Care Free Call 1800 199 008