The team are so grateful to have completed our wonderful Partnering in Prevention (PiP) program, celebrating our year-long journey by hosting the PiP Forum. It was a collaborative morning at the Burswood on Swan, with a picturesque riverside Welcome to Country by Aunty Robyn, CEO address by Kelda Oppermann, special guest speaker Shamsa Lea (‘Gender Equality in the Workforce and the War Zone’), as well as staff reflections on healthy masculinities and the outcomes of the PiP program.
It was moving to see the process of our partner and ally representatives networking with one another and sharing stories and ideas. By the end of the morning, there was a tangible feeling of both resolve and hope present within the room – together, we can make a difference in preventing men’s violence against women.
It has been inspiring to partner with so many organisations to deliver workplace advice, staff training and to bring awareness to the gendered drivers which underpin the primary prevention of violence against women.
We can each make a difference to the lives of those who experience FDV.
Many thanks to the partners and allies who have engaged with the Partnering in Prevention program over the past twelve months.
Watch all the highlights from the forum here