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Family and Domestic Violence specialist support for women residing in the southeast metro Perth through risk assessment, FVRO support, safety planning, advocacy and referrals. For women living with or separately from the perpetrator....
Family and Domestic Violence specialist support to women and children who have current FDV concerns and are Department of Communities – Housing Authority tenants in Cannington, Victoria Park, Mirrabooka and Midland Districts....
Empowerment through connection: Free workshops tailored to help women build life skills, cultivate self-care and self-compassion. Foster social and cultural connections, improve wellbeing and break free....

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Confidential information, counselling and support service 1800RESPECT is available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence. On the 1800 RESPECT website, you can find: WA Service Directory We recommend that if you are looking for services or programs related to FDV, head … Read more


If you are in immediate danger, or someone you know is in immediate danger please do not hesitate and call Police on 000.

If you are at risk, please ensure you follow the eSafety Commission recommendations for staying safe online.

Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) can happen in relationships with a partner, defacto, family member, carer, boyfriend or girlfriend.

This behaviour can be threatening, abusive, violent, coercive, stalking, controlling, making someone feel scared and/or forcing them to do things they don’t want to do.

It can occur in current or past imitate relationships, family settings, or extended family groups.

For more information on what is considered Family and Domestic Violence, or how to identify it please visit Safe and Equal or 1800RESPECT. WA’s after-hours response helpline is available 24/7 if you are in crisis and need urgent help for refuge assessment or emergency accommodation options Crisis Care Free Call 1800 199 008